I often feel like I am suppose to wait for the time to be ideal, or just right before I leap into something. Sometimes I feel the complete opposite and I just jump, and roll with it. But our newest learning experience was a combination of both. Though we always hoped to have a family milk cow one day, we just figured it would have to wait until we were able to actually purchase our homestead. Well, here I am : on this side of the gate, with a registered American Milking Devon, who needs a family in which she can be a milk cow.
Her name is Tippy, and she has been hanging with range cattle for a bit. Apparently, she has some mood issues at times - but who doesn't. Right now I am giving her lots of grace considering she just left her familiar herd, found herself with a small new one. Hasn't been milked in a couple years and doesn't know me from Anne.
In just two weeks, we have made some good progress. She will now come at the sound of the alfalfa in the bucket and allows me to rub her head and neck while she is eating. However, Tippy doesn't eat from my hand yet, but I hope to work up to that...
Right now we are just building trust: getting to know each other - which takes consistency, respect and time.
I am thankful that this isn't my first go around with cows, because I think it would feel rather intimidating to attempt. Admittedly, I am no third generation dairy maid, but I have a pretty solid support and knowledge group around me who would like to see us both succeed. That is a nice place to be standing...
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