Simply Herbal: Thymus Vulgaris

 I believe in using what you have or what you can easily access. I believe in not having to know everything, but what you do know - know well. This includes herbalism. While I am all for learning new things and growing in one's scope of abilities and interests, I don't feel one needs to look to the next 'thing' in order to be wise, effective and able. Let me say it this way: if your herbal knowledge is only of those botanicals that require you to purchase and import from afar, in order to have them in your possession - then you have enabled a middleman... and I am all for cutting out as many of those as possible. It is better to know a handful of herbal remedies well, than to know a little about many.

Which brings me to this series - Simply Herbal - where my goal and hope is to help inspire you to learn, use and possibly grow effective botanicals for your home apothecary. To get to know the simple things effectively and to help encourage a connection to your bioregion and foster confidence in your journey. 

Herbalism is just as much art as it is science, to me it is kind of like baking bread. You have to get your hands in it, to be able to tell what is needed next. For you and for your apothecary. 

Let me introduce you to Thymus Vulgaris // used for intestinal gas; stomach upset, respiratory concerns, heartburn, bronchitis, pertussis, sinus issues and coughs. She is an expectorant, antimicrobial, and often used as an astringent. Thyme in her whole herb form has been used to help a variety of fungal concerns, along with her essential oil. I must state here that while I love and appreciate the use of essential oils, I do prefer whole herbal applications most often. This is due to the various constituents working synergistically with the whole botanical, thus utilizing the plants wholistic benefits verses an isolated compound. 

This doesn't mean I don't use Essential Oils, just that I believe they have a time and a place. That being said, Thymol - is pretty potent in its own right and definitely should have a space in the home.  

Thymus Vulgaris // of the family Lamiaceae // is used within our home in many forms. In the kitchen, a culinary delight with a knowing flavor - we use it in salad oils, baking, in meats and soups. In the apothecary, as a main ingredient for steam inhalation and topical skin oils. In the garden, a pollinator attractant and genuine flowering beauty which is lovely to watch grow. 

Thyme grows well in a sunny, fertile area with a PH near 7.0 and is easily divided once it becomes too big for the area. I usually purchase one plant from a reputable nursery and divide from the mother plant as needed.  

This month we created Thymus Oil for skin concerns that may arise later, culinary Thymus oil for homemade salad dressings and we used dried Thymus for steam inhalation. I also checked on our Thyme plant in the garden, to make sure it was surviving the winter well. Below I will link some simple recipes/applications to get you started, and hopefully share my recipe for Thymus Oil at a later date. 

Thymus Infused Oils for the Kitchen: HERE

Thymus Tincture: HERE

Thymus Vulgaris Essential Oil: HERE

*After years of using essential oils and botanical remedies, I have personally weeded through a lot of fluff and marketing and wasted a lot of money. So, I am extremely picky on what I bring into my home now. I know what things that I am willing to spend money on and what I am not, and I say this because when I share links for companies it is because I have used them. Recipes are another matter. :) 

Hopefully this sharing encourages you to start simple, to start small and to create. As I am able, I will add some of our own recipes and applications. For now, spend some moments learning about Thymus Vulgaris and her benefits, plan some space in your garden for her... she also does well in a pot on the windowsill. 

Til' Next Time...

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